German Nazi Guilt Complex!

Why are the children and grandchildren of (supposed) criminals of WWII being punished for crimes their ancestors paid for? Does this not constitute cruel and unusual punishment, or some violation of statute of limitations? Violation of human rights and dignity?


Here is a way to talk to Germans.

They are very literal and very logical, so you have to appeal to reason.

Note that the foundation of Western Civilization is logic.

Note that the logic of the legal system dictates that only the (suspected) criminal should be prosecuted and only the (proven) criminal be punished for his crime.

His children are not prosecuted for his crime, nor are his grandchildren.


Thus, why are the children and grandchildren of (supposed) criminals of WWII being punished for crimes their ancestors paid for? Does this not constitute cruel and unusual punishment, or some violation of statute of limitations?

I have used this on a few Germans and they were dumbfounded by it.  Source


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