Non-Muslim Infidels aid Islam's Growth!
It is not just the genius mechanisms built into the Koran and the Hadith that, unstoppably, spread the Islamic memes, the Islamic memeplex.
The spread of Islam is aided by
- Political correctness (PC), human rights,
- welfare,
- technology,
- feminism
The Koran totally immunizes Muslim against PC and feminism. Muslim welfare does not get extended to Infidels of other religions, thus is only in the aid of spreading the Islam religion memes. The lack of science and technology in Muslim societies is remedied by the western delivery of engineering and money.
Feminism reduced European birth rates to extinction levels, welfare allows unlimited number of Muslim offspring. Political correctness incites European women to marry Muslims, Anti-Racism encourages violent intimidation by Muslims but any verbla patriot "hate speech" is punishable. Human Rights require 30 police to keep watch on one Jihadist, allow imprisonment only after a terrorist has been caught red handed. European prisons are comfy recruiting homes and terror schools
The culture of white European infidels has devised an amazing multitude of mechanisms that vastly speed up the multiplication of Islam memes.
Allahu Akbar! Allah is the greatest. Allah made the non-muslim infidels to help in their own demise. Even the Christian pope actively fights to make sure Muslims emigrate everywhere, even chided Donald Trump for trying to stop the flow.
We analyze how Islam spreads, over centuries, according to mathematical models, like a meme, like a computer virus, like genes in animal evolution.
Islam memes can be spread by
- Increasing offspring of Muslims
- Reducing offspring of non-muslims
- importing muslims
- converting to Islam, like conversion of prisoners and black athletes to Islam
Even the Christian pope actively fights to make sure Muslims emigrate everywhere. The pope even reprimanded Donald Trump for trying to stop the flow.
Remember, we are discussing which mechanisms help the propagation of the Muslim Meme/Memeplex over generations and centuries or due to lower IQ in the 80ies in most Islam countries
The spread of Islam is aided by
- Political correctness (PC), human rights,
- welfare,
- technology,
- feminism
Political correctness, Equality, Human Rights (not invented by Muslims), - Freedom of Religion: Western creed in freedom of religion (not invented by Muslims) prohbits discrimination against the spread of holy warriors. A violent political hate movement thus is fully constitutionally protected religion. Even in European countries with hate speech laws [40, 41, 42]! Allahu Akbar! One must not discriminate against Muslims hires as armed security guards who beat Christians, as radical police, military [Fort Hood massacre].. It is not clear if there are already tens of thousands of heavily armed sleepers in police and military that can lie dormant for decades.
- Islamophobia: Anyone who criticizes an aspect of Islam or of Muslims can be called "islamophobe". This ends the discussion, the arguments need not be disproven. Islamophobes, such as racists, can be attacked ad hominem, and subsequently ignored and shunned. His/her arguments do not need to be discussed or disproven. Thus Muslims are unassailable, immune to media or police response, even if they engage in mass rape like in Rotherham.
- Nothing to do with Islam [53]. Cover-up by politicians and media
"George Bush claimed in his first address after 9/11 that Islam’s “teachings are good and peaceful, and those who commit evil in the name of Allah blaspheme the name of Allah".[55] [56]
Brothers Tsernaev of Boston Marathon Bombing wrote in blood that they killed for Jihad. [54] Politicians and courts denied them that honor.
The Fort Hood massacre muslim said it was holy war for Allah, Obama called it workplace violence[50, 51, 52]
Airport security: when taking off shoes we are not reminded it is done because of Islam
Armenian genocide, Darfur Killings: rarely mentioned that it is Islam ethnically cleansing Christians.)
- Equality: no difference is being made between peaceful religions like Buddhism and the state religion desiring jihadist preachers.
- "Diversity is strength" meme: Formerly lily white Christian areas like Germany, Minneapolis, have recently been enriched with Muslim (and Black) diversity. With no democratic mandate by the population. Thus white governments forcibly help the muslim migration into muslim-free areas. Allahu Akbar, Allah is the Greatest!
97% Muslim countries like Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan, Morocco would kill anyone proposing "Diversity is strength".
Not even Korea, China, Japan accept this meme "Diversity is strength"
- Welcome culture german style (not invented by Muslims) allows stealth invasion without need for military expansion. ISIS, the government of a country larger than Britain publicly announced it will send a sleeper army of thousands of guerilla terrorists [30, 31,32, .33] There was no opposition by European governments.
- Distribution of Muslims everywhere, into all countries, every town, every village. The only sure way to stop a therapy resistant virus is to not get exposed at all. The insistence to not allow a single European country escape Muslim quotas, to bring Muslims into the last Alpine village assures the muslim takeover in the long run.
- Intermarriage of European women with Muslim men increases Muslims, decreases Christians: Offspring of Muslim men are always muslims (Obama, ?)
- Human-Rights, Humanitarian Anti-Violence: It is not allowed to shoot thousands of invaders who illegally break border fortifications and confront armed police and military.
- Main Stream Media Press manipulation: selective over-reporting of minor events while blanking out most Muslim terror
Main Stream Media and Politicians Islamic State, Muslim terror, Muslim Jihad, terrorists screaming "Allahu Akbar", all this has nothing to do with Islam.
MSM created new pro-Islam Memes:
"This has nothing to do with religion."
"This has nothing to do with Islam".
Islam is the religion of peace
This is terrorism, not the true Islam
- Political correctness censorship: The German Pressecodex 12.1 is similar to the US Associated Press Stylebook [2]], demanding that race, religion, national origin of minority criminals be hidden. Police and politicians actively hide crime data with the express purpose to not foment prejudice, i.e. the citizen not to know the truth.
- Cover-up of Muslim Genocide: For centuries Muslim countries have incessantly diminished or exterminated Christian minorities. In the Armenian genocide, Darfur,, Yesidi Genocide for 700 years until today, the fact that they are perpetrated by Muslims is not emphasized, much less that the extermination meme stems from the holy Koran
- Muslim privilege (see:black privilege ):
- Muslims can have multiple wives, Europeans can not.
- Muslims can attack police, Europeans can not,
- Muslims can spread hate, Europeans can not.
- Europeans can be criticized, Muslims can not
- Muslim hiring quotas will come, just we already have women quotas and black quotas
- Welfare
- pays for and rewards unlimited Muslim offspring: The more Muslim children the more government money.
- allows Muslim women's dedication to full time islamic child rearing
- is paid by the taxes of European middle class families who financially can not afford children, thus reduces European offspring.
- may be paid to children of multiple Muslim wives.. [Britain: Muslim Polygamists to Get More Welfare Benefits // 35% of German Muslims have multiple wives, all funded by welfare ... ]
- Jizya welfare: I kid you not! Muslims believe that çhristian welfare payments are owed to Muslims. Infidel Jizya tax is demanded in the Koran. Allahu Akbar, Allah is the Greatest! Allah provided that Western infidel Dhimmies voluntarily pay jizya — the tributes that the infidel natives of Muslim-occupied countries are obliged to pay to Muslims in order to preserve their lives.” [5a, 5b, 5c, 5d ].
- Technology (not invented by Muslims):
- Internet, whatsapp, twitter, smart phones allow propaganda, planning and coordination of refugee streams and of terror attacks,
- Transportation: Modern transportation technology (not invented by Muslims) allows faster spread past the bloody border of Islam.
- Weapons technology: The US delivered Stinger missiles to the Afghan Muslim rebels. Through the Iraqui army the US equipped ISIS. Explosive technology and weapons make mass murder easier. If all fails, there are knives and the car intifada.
- Oil revenues: Western technology made otherwise useless oil highly valuable. Saudi Arabia can finance the spread of Wahabist terror
- see: Muslim IQ and Science: All this technology was invented by infidels so it can aid purpose of the true believers. Islam itself does not have a good track record in science and technology. This could be due to culture,
- Feminism reduces European birth rates
- due to women's dedication to paid work. Feminism →
is the major cause for low birth rates [AH, AF]], for effemination of men and boys. - Feminism softens European men, makes macho Muslims more attractive.
- Feminism softens European men, so they cede to Muslims everywhere.
- Feminism destroys familes, through divorce, female entitlements
- Feminism makes marriage unattractive to men, due to unequal rights regarding children, divorce, alimony,
- Feminism promotes European abortion and birth control, thus reducing European offspring. Muslims usually do not abort , and child rearing is the main purpose of marriage [10, 11, 12??]
- Islam memes (the Koran) make Muslims immune to feminism
- feminists do not enforce feminism upon Muslims, for fear of racism and islamlphobia
- Feminism does NOT combat refugee gang rape and violence against women perpetrated by "minorities"
- Feminism does NOT warn women that domestic violence, martital rape is much more prevalent with men from Muslim countries. This would be racist. (Disclaimer : we are all in favor or rigorous statistical analysis to prove or disprove this statement. )
I repeat: None of this was invented by Muslims. Muslims MUST believe that Allah is Great to generously have sent them all this support for their Jihad
Muslim Brotherhood 2>
In addition to the Koran's memes that propagate Islam, the muslim Brotherhood found different path to propagate the Muslim virus silently. It uses a viral strategy of infecting the body of a country with a non-virulent sleeping virus that can wake up later.
Muslims in military, police, national security, schools, are a preparation for later takeover.
These new paths graciously provided by Western political correctness and religious tolerance are being used by the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim brotherhood has a special strategy to conquer the Western Countries from within.
History of the Muslim Brotherhood Penetration of the U.S. Government
Obama appoints Muslim Brotherhood-linked Muslim to head “Center ...
Islamic invasion of America: The 20 Point Plan | Pamela Geller
The Muslim Brotherhood in America: Part III - 'The Settlement ...
The Muslim Brotherhood game plan involves initially using “peaceful” jihad to impose Shariah, playing on the concept of political correctness to maximize their stature while minimizing U.S. values. Once achieved, having lulled Americans into a false security, “violent” jihad follows.
The Muslim Brotherhood has set up dozens of “front companies” in the United States to launch peaceful jihad. They wave the flag of Islamophobia whenever concerns are raised about rising Islamic influence over-riding valued U.S. principles.
Such flag-waving has enabled one front company to play a role in advising the U.S. military whom it should accept as a religious leader within its ranks — preaching a religion promoting Muslim superiority and death to non-believers.
When New York City ran an ad on buses showing pictures of 16 criminals wanted for terrorist activity, a Muslim Brotherhood front company objected to the image portrayed as all were Muslims. It succeeded in getting the city to remove the ad.
The Silent Terrorists: Muslim Brotherhood's Political Terrorism Strategy "The Ikhwan [Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that God's religion is made victorious over all other religions." from: An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America.
Even Khalid Sham'a, Egypt's ambassador to Austria, confirmed to Al Arabiya that many leaders and members of the Brotherhood had moved to Austria, and noted that the main Egyptian community in Austria is located in Graz.
It appears that the European Muslim Brotherhood, in keeping with its pragmatic strategy of adjusting to contingencies, might be thinking of decentralizating.[1]
The enticement, however, that might really make Austria attractive to the Muslim Brotherhood, is its legislation. In 1912, Emperor Franz Joseph, as a result of the annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina, as well as an attempt to integrate Bosnian soldiers in Imperial army, issued the so-called Islamgesetz [Law of Islam].